Sunday 12 January 2014

Let me Introduce myself


Thanks for coming to visit me.

I would like to share my experiences, lessons, challenges and successes of my life and businesses. I have and continue to work very hard building a business from scratch and feel I have something of interest to offer others starting up in business.

I am a music teacher from Manchester, England. Not very exciting so far ah? Haha! Well stick with me for a little while at least.
I graduated music school at 20 and started teaching in Colleges, schools and privately. To cut a very long story short I turned the most simple of business (teaching one to one lessons) into one of the largest providers of music tuition in my city, employing more than 10 staff and providing tuition to hundreds of students.   All done without loans or any start up help! just done by the old 'gradually does it' and a hell of  a lot of hard work.

I also recently started my own guitar manufacturing business, which is still in its early stages but is going very well and complimenting my other successful business brilliantly I would love to tell you about my experiences on

  • Employment of staff
  • Attracting and retaining customers
  • Advertising
  • Google presence and rankings 
  • Customer service
  • Finance decisions
  •  + lots more

I would love this to be a place where people can ask questions and I can share what knowledge I have. I have succedded where so many have failed and continue to grow so must have something of value to share with everyone. :-)